International Crisis Summit
Fellow Warrior,
What began as a quest for answers and a daring gathering of brave international experts has now become a source of trusted information and a movement followed by millions of people around the world.
In September 2021 the first International Covid Summit (ICS I) took place in the Roman Senate at a time when our freedoms and rights were quickly disappearing as new rules and mandates were being imposed globally. Experts met for the first time to discuss factual data and research and this first Summit launched initiatives globally that have been tirelessly sharing real data and information around the world. This has saved many lives.
In April 2022 we had the honour of being invited to the IHU in France where the ICS II Summit took place and in Marseilles and Massy.
In May 2023 we had the incredible honour of being invited by the Members of European Parliament to Brussels, Belgium where the ICS III took place. Many experts from around the world presented current data and research in the European Parliament and the world was ready to listen.The powerful presentations from this Summit went viral and have been viewed billions of times globally.
Following the incredible success of ICS III, we were invited to the Palace of the Parliament in Bucharest, Romania in November 2023 for ICS IV where we were warmly received by a population full of strength and resolve. The ICS team brought information and data to Romania and left with an understanding of everything that was done correctly in a country that knows all too well what it means to fight for rights and freedom. The ICS IV in Bucharest, Romania reminded us all of what we are fighting for and filled us with hope and the knowledge that change is possible.
This was followed by a tremendous ICS 5 at CPAC Washington in February 2024. The ICS Team was given the incredible opportunity and privilege of having a private break-out conference room at the CPAC Convention in Washington, DC. This Summit finally brought our fight on a mainstream stage and shone a spotlight on crucial issues. Following this, our speakers had the honor of having been invited to testify in the US Senate.
Despite censorship, punishment, and many obstacles, the ICS team has been relentless in their pursuit of truth and freedom and it is with great honor to announce that the International Covid Summit Association has been invited to host ICS6 in Tokyo, Japan September 24- September 28, 2024. Tickets are on sale and streaming will be available for the entire event.
People around the world have been looking to us for answers and now we have an opportunity to speak directly to those who can initiate changes in laws and policy on a mainstream stage. This is exactly what we have been waiting for!!
Many of our biggest warriors have sacrificed their careers for this fight but their voices are crucial in this fight. If possible, we ask for your help so that they can present their important data and research in Parliaments around the world.
The Whole Truth with The Whole World Watching!

If you live in Canada, you can e-transfer your donation to thegrassrootsassociation@gmail.com